This is the last newsletter of the REMODEL project. Its goal has been to provide information about the project activities and to showcase the project achievements.
REMODEL (Robotic technologies for the manipulation of complex deformable linear objects) project has been a four-year project funded by the European Commission in the Horizon 2020 programme. The project consortium has involved eleven partners.
To demonstrate the effectiveness of the technologies developed in REMODEL, a comprehensive set of industrial manufacturing use cases involving DLOs manipulation have been implemented and studied: the switchgear wiring (IEMA), the wiring harness manufacturing for both automotive and aerospace applications (ELVEZ and ELIMCO), the wiring harness assembly on a car cockpit (VWP) and the hose handling (ENKI).

During last year, two General Assembly and the second review meeting were held.
The second review of the REMODEL project was held on December 16, 2022, the meeting took place online. The REMODEL consortium presented the progress made during this second period.
In May 2023, the 8th General Assembly meeting were held. The two-day meeting was held at PUT’s and WVP’s facilities in Poznan. During the meeting, all work packages were discussed in detail, containing that all work done in the M36-M42 period and the plans and activities for the next M42-M48 period.
In October 2023, the last General Assembly meeting were held. The two-day meeting was held at TAU’s facilities in Tampere. During the meeting, all work packages were discussed in detail, containing that all work done in the last period of the project.
Finally, in December 2023, the final review of the REMODEL project will take place. The meeting will be held at ELIMCO’s facilities in Seville. The REMODEL consortium will present the results of the project
ROBOSECT achieved remarkable success in a recent competitions among innovative startups being selected as first at local level, third at regional level and in the best ten at national level.
The company is now in the final stages of the process to be recognized as an official spinoff of the University of Bologna.
ROBOSECT is already active for sustained growth and continued research excellence in robotics and automation, particularly in the field of switchgear manufacturing.
A patent application has been submitted by ROBOSECT to protect our groundbreaking research activities for future exploitation and innovation.
In this phase, The REMODEL project is devoted to the implementation of the final demonstrators to reach TRL6, meaning that all the developed technologies are will be tested on the use cases by the industrial partners.
The workers will be involved in the evaluation of the technologies to verify and quantify the benefits and the improvements in term of productivity and quality of the working environment.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 870133