Tampere University (TAU, Tampereen korkeakoulusaatio sr,) was created on 1 January 2019 as a merger of Tampere University of Technology (TUT) and University of Tampere (UTA). Multidisciplinary, foundation based Tampere University is Finlan’s second-largest university. TAU conducts scientific research in technology, health and society and provides the highest education within these fields. Tampere University Foundation that operates as Tampere University is also the majority shareholder of Tampere University of Applied Sciences. This new higher education community in Tampere consists of 30,000 students, 330 professors and 4,400 employees.


Role: Technical provider
Leader WP3
Contact Persons:
Anne M. Korhonen

In 2017 the total income of the two universities was 322 M€ of which 42 % was external research funding. TAU ranks fourth among all Finnish participants in H2020 funding. TAU‟s predecessors TUT and UTA have long experience on EU funding and have an EU support team dealing with legal, financial and administrative issues. Both TUT and UTA have been awarded with the European Commission’s “HR Excellence in Research” logo.

The Future Automation Systems and Technologies Laboratory (FAST-Lab.) is the research group led by Prof. Jose L. Martinez Lastra. Established in 2006, FAST-Lab main research domain includes automation engineering, knowledge representation and reasoning, energy effeminacy, manufacturing systems, cloud computing and big data analysis and security. With regard to EU funded projects, FAST-Lab participated actively in FP6, FP7, and H2020 project under several topics such as Factories of the Future (FOF) and Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials, Biotechnology and Advanced Manufacturing and Processing (NMBP) among others.