WP5: Cable Manipulation Planning, Execution and Interactive Perception
The objective of this work package is to develop a planner able to manage the robot activities along the manufacturing process of the considered use cases and all control algorithms needed for the DLOs grasping and manipulation. The planner will manage all the action sequence and the associated trajectories to manipulate the wires, cables, hoses and wiring harness. A first version based on proper integration of state of the art solutions will be implemented. Then, dedicated solutions will be investigated to address particular problems such also wiring harness manipulations and improve the performance. The system will maintain a database of the manufacturing state and remaining activities along the whole manufacturing process. Specific control algorithms will be developed for the different planned subtasks, such as the grasping phase and the manipulation phase. The algorithms will exploit the data fusion of all sensors integrated into the robotic platforms. Moreover, we will extend our work by relying on the Interactive Perception paradigm, where we can exploit forceful interaction with the environment to obtain robust perceptually guided manipulation.
Task 5.1: Planner architecture (M1-M12) [Leader: UNIBO]
Task 5.2: Cable grasping (M1-M30) [Leader: UCLV]
Task 5.3: Bimanual wire and cable manipulation (M1-M36) [Leader: PUT]
Task 5.4: Wiring harness manipulation (M12-M42) [Leader: UNIBO]
Task 5.5: Interactive perception (M12-M46) [Leader: PUT]