Elimco Aerospace is a company powered by Ingemont that offers high added value technological solutions for aerospace, defence, rail and naval sectors, among others. Its 15 years of expertise in the sector makes it be a reference international company in the fields of engineering, development and manufacturing of equipment for aeronautic and aerospace vehicles and the technical support services.
The company is able to design, integrate and produce a wide variety of technological solutions for the civil and defence sectors with own personal, facilities and equipment, adapting to the clients‟ needs through innovative projects based on the principle of excellence in management. Elimco Aerospace is prepared to compete globally.
Elimco Aerospace has the ability to offer its customers the services of manufacturing, engineering, consulting and research, development and innovation. Elimco has a highly qualified human team and its own resources that allow it to offer the design, integration, manufacture, and the maintenance of equipment and electrical systems as well as harnesses, sensors, onboard systems, complex systems of ground – air communications, armament, test benches and ad-hock systems.
Its more than 15 years in the management of aeronautical programs has made that Elimco Aerospace obtain a great capacity and velocity in the response to customers, adapting easily to the programs that require rapid changes of process and a very flexible manufacture. All this is consequence of the good internal organization and the constant search to improve the product by means of methods like lean.
Elimco Aerospace is a reference company in engineering and equipment development and manufacturing for the aerospace industry. We add value in the following areas:
- On-ground systems: It includes all the necessary equipment to support the aircraft when it is on the ground (electric, electronic, pneumatic, hydraulic, mechanical…), as well as that equipment to verify that all the systems work properly both at the level Hardware as Software, generating the contour conditions necessary for it. Elimco Aerospace is a leader and expert in Test benches and good proof of this, is the trust that have deposited and deposit customers in the equipped with their laboratories, Final Assembly Lines (FAL) and flight lines of their different programs, with a multitude of equipment that guarantee the good work of the company. Elimco Aerospace performs all projects entirely through integral management.
- On-board system: Elimco Aerospace is a leader in the production of electrical systems such as harnesses, control units, bays and consoles. Elimco Aerospace is committed to the design, manufacture, integration, testing and programming of aeronautical, spatial and defence equipment and systems of high technological and innovative components. Onboard systems are elements that are part of the aircraft and obviously have a completely different requirements to ground systems in terms of vibration, temperature, resistance, safety, EMI-EMC.
Elimco works in various fields of engineering, achieving in all of them to provide effective and innovative solutions. The products, services and supports to its customers in the area of engineering range from the transfer of engineers to work in the own facilities of the customer, until the installation and maintenance of systems.
Customer Support Services
Elimco Aerospace works together with its customers to obtain better solutions, processes and personnel to optimize the projects.
Among the services that Elimco Aerospace offers is engineering, Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul of equipment (MRO), Integrated Logistic Support (ILS), local support in FAL, updating and transformation of platforms (retrofit/upgrade), as well like other assembly, instrumentation, integration, commissioning and start-up services.