Project Structure
A work plan for REMODEL management has been developed. The activities are subdivided into 8 Work Packages (WPs). The work in each task is divided in such a way to achieve a balanced and synchronized development of all the key technologies and experimental evaluations along the REMODEL evolution from TRL 4 to TRL 6.Detail WP description and the partners involved can be found in the next links:

WP1: Project Management [Leader: UNIBO; Participants: ALL]
WP2: System and Safety Requirements [Leader: TECNALIA; Participants: ALL]
WP3: System and User Interface [Leader: TAU; Participants: UNIBO, IEMA, TECNALIA, ELIMCO, TUM, PUT, ELVEZ, VW, EXTRUDAN]
WP4: Vision-based Perception [Leader: TUM; Participants: UNIBO, IEMA, TECNALIA, ELIMCO, PUT, ELVEZ]
WP5: Cable Manipulation Planning, Execution and Interactive Perception [Leader: PUT; Participants: UNIBO, UCLV, IEMA, TECNALIA, TAU, ELIMCO, TUM, ELVEZ]
WP6: Sensory Systems and Mechatronic Tools [Leader: UCLV; Participants: UNIBO, IEMA, TECNALIA, TAU, ELIMCO, TUM, PUT, VW, EXTRUDAN]
WP7: Development and Evaluation of Robot Abilities [Leader: UNIBO; Participants: ALL]
WP8: Communication/Dissemination, Exploitation and Knowledge Management [Leader: TECNALIA; Participants: ALL]
WP9: Ethics requirements [Leader: UNIBO; Participants: ALL]