Alex Pasquali, Alessio Caporali and Bare Luka Žagar their presented their research conducted within the REMODEL project at the Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM) conference in Seattle, WA.

The titles of the research articles are as follows:

A Fast Score-Based Method for Robotic Task-Free Point-to-Point Path Learning. Alex Pasquali, et al.

A Vision-Based Shared Autonomy Framework for Deformable Linear Objects Manipulation. Alessio Caporali, et al.

Copy and Paste Augmentation for Deformable Wiring Harness Bags Segmentation.Bare Luka Žagar, et al.

Additionally, the REMODEL Team had the pleasure to visit the RSE Lab Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering. We would like to thank Selest Nashef for the amazing lab tour and Prof. Dieter Fox for the opportunity to visit the RSE Lab.

Written by PUT