In the middle of September the installation of two ABB Robots was finalized. The main goal of such approach is to reflect as much as possible the real assembly conditions, but by using robots instead of human work. Test station is located next to the main assembly...
The REMODEL team is working on the implementation of the ELVEZ use case. The tasks was tested during the integration week carried out at UNIBO at the end of September 2022. The cable sets are grasped from the warehouse, then the connectors are inserted into proper...
A new ROS2 driver for 3D cameras has been developed at PUT and it is in the early stage of testing before public release. Pushing all the necessary dependencies to the modern framework takes advantage of state-of-the-art approaches within the software communication...
In our previous posts from June and December we have shone light on the optical detection of wires and wire harnesses. However, all these algorithms are based on camera images and return the poses of desired objects in the sensor’s coordinate frame. To incorporate...
One of the most challenging tasks to automatize in the ELVEZ pilot is the separation of the different cable branches of the wiring harnesses to route each of them through the required path of guides. The use case 2 of REMODEL consists of the automation of the wiring...